IndoorAtlas Dwell Time
Optimize venue performance with IndoorAtlas Dwell Time. Gain valuable insights into app user dwell times across different areas
Optimize venue performance with IndoorAtlas Dwell Time. Gain valuable insights into app user dwell times across different areas
The Dwell Time seamlessly integrates with all standard IndoorAtlas deployments, eliminating the need for any additional deployment steps. Simply enable it within your existing setup and start gaining valuable insights without any hassle or extra effort
For teams looking to pilot their newest indoor location-based app
3,600€per venue*
Pilot includes:
✓ IndoorAtlas Positioning SDK
✓ Dwell Time
✓ 3-month commercial license
✓ Unlimited venue size
✓ Unlimited number of users
* Pro subscription required
For organizations requiring IndoorAtlas platform for commercial use
+0.12€per m2 / year*
Enterprise includes:
✓ IndoorAtlas Positioning SDK
✓ Dwell Time
✓ IndoorAtlas platform features tailored to your needs
✓ Dedicated technical support
✓ Commercial license
✓ Scalability aligned with your business requirements
* The plan price is combined with the platform fee and incorporates volume discounts. Requires Positioning SDK
Let’s start building location-aware solutions together.