In short, here’s what’s new:
SDK 2.4 AlphaOrientation API A new orientation API was added for both Android and iOS. By utilizing this API, application can receive information about device’s heading and it’s orientation in 3D space – relative to true north. Note that until now, the SDKs have provided only course/bearing. This new API should be interesting to any VR, AR developers who wish to utilize device’s orientation relative to it’s position in indoor spaces. See this example for Android or download alpha release package for iOS and check the example folder. Course, heading, bearing?? What is the difference? Background API for Android For more information on SDK 2.4 Alpha and how to setup, read the release notes. Eddystone SupportIf your venue was mapped with MapCreator 2 and you have SDK 2.3 or later integrated into your application, the positioning will now utilize Eddystone beacons as well as the already supported iBeacons. And the best thing is that you don’t have to make any changes! Cordova PluginCordova Plugin version 1.1.0 is now using IndoorAtlas SDK 2.3 which provides the best possible positioning accuracy and robustness. Read SDK 2.3 release notes to learn more. What’s more?Our team has been working hard to make indoor/outdoor recognizing more accurate and robust. We just returned from Beijing where we tested SDK 2.3 and despite the sometimes challenging environment, we’re pretty pleased with the results! So please give it a try and send your feedback. Best, Jukka Raanamo IndoorAtlas SDK 2.4 Alpha is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 738580 |