OULU, FEBRUARY 2, 2017 – IndoorAtlas Ltd, the global Platform-as-a-Service leader in geomagnetic indoor positioning technology, today announced its new features in software developer kit. The new kit, SDK 2.3, introduces the completely new IndoorAtlas technology framework (code name ‘W’) offering unprecedented robustness, performance, and features that enable app developers to build the most ubiquitous indoor location aware apps in the market place.
“The new framework implements an innovative hybrid technology stack that combines the foundational geomagnetic technology with sophisticated device motion modeling and radio based positioning technologies to deliver optimal performance in range of environments and devices”, says IndoorAtlas’ CTO Esa Rahtu.
IndoorAtlas’ Platform-as-a-Service indoor positioning solution sets a new industry standard, and provides a scalable cross-platform indoor positioning solution in the market place. Combined with our newest data collection tool MapCreator 2, the SDK 2.3 offers:
- Support for beacons
- Indoor-outdoor transition
- Improved multi-floor performance
- Improved overall robustness and accuracy
The improved functionality of the new SDK 2.3 can be seen in these two demonstration videos: the busiest train station in the world, Shinjuku station in Japan, and Kamppi shopping center in Finland.
Developers can sign up at app.indooratlas.com and try out the new SDK and improved workflow. IndoorAtlas is committed to deliver the best cross-platform indoor positioning solution to app developers around the world. Your story is our story.
IndoorAtlas SDK 2.3 is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 738580